
Sorority T-Shirt

About 2 months ago, I made some T-Shirt designs for the graduation. And it had arrived just yesterday, so I'll show them all off.

#1 125 

125 is the code number for my major. I think it would look simply good for T-Shirt if we just put it the way it is, so I didn't add any decoration around it, just the number. And I'm proud of it.
#2 Studying IMMG

IMMG is the name of my major sorority. The gray circle is taken from the sorority logo, and the words inside the circle (written on the blue area) are the lectures that we got as Metallurgical Engineering student at my university. Personally, they're pretty difficult and unique, that I really want it to be memorized and familiarized.

That's all about the T-Shirt. Meet you again in another creation! ***


Changing Lifestyle

It's time I realize that coffee is not as healthy as what I drink now. So I turned to mineral water. Yup!
It's started when I was hopeless with my pimples that wouldn't come off. There was also something wrong with my urine system. Then I remembered that when I was in senior high, one of my friend drink mineral water as often as she can in order to wash the pimples away. And I also knew that when you got troubles in urinating, mineral water is the answer. So I started to drink mineral water as often as I can. I even bring a bottle of mineral water when I go to campus.
This new lifestyle made me feel better. I feel fresher, get brighter face, and feel more healthy. It also prevents me from sleeping in the class, hehehe...

So, guys, I suggest you to try drinking mineral water as much as you can. You may feel the differences too! ***

Meet The New Housemate

Hi, there!

Sorry for not writing for so long. I've been having such very hectic days back then since I was responsible for a graduation event last October.
It's almost been a week that there's a new housemate came, named Fransesca. She's an exchange student from Germany and studying Mathematics in regular Mathematics class and at the same age as me. I'm so happy that she's a Germany, since I've been willing to test my German with any native other than my cousin. But I think she's also want to learn Indonesian, so we talk in 3 languages: Indonesian, English, and German. She's already fluent in Indonesian, so we almost have no difficulties in having conversation.

One day, I asked her about Indonesian traditional beverages when my friend were about to drink Temulawak (Curcuma). She hasn't drunk any of Jamu, so we asked her to drink some of my friend's beverage that my friend just made. She said it tastes weird (hahaha). Then she told us that when she went to Tangkuban Parahu, she had this beverage with pepper on it. I and my friend were both confused about this, both of us haven't find any Indonesian beverage that has pepper on it, and we were so ashamed that as Indonesian, we don't even know about this kind of beverage.



Ah, apa coba yang udah gue lakuin sampe sekarang? Cuma ningkatin nilai, memperbaiki penampilan, terus nambah pengalaman bersosialisasi di himpunan. Tapi gue ga mengurangi jumlah musuh gue. Sampe saat ini, seenggaknya gue tau masih ada satu orang yang benci berat sama gue (ga menutup kemungkinan kalau masih ada lagi). Dan sampe sekarang, gue belum minta maaf sama dia.

Pertamanya, gue ga minta maaf karena gue pikir gue ga salah. Tapi setelah berhari-hari kemudian, diliat dari sudut pandang orang itu, emang gue salah. Ah, tapi gue terlalu takut buat minta maaf, karena gue juga tau banget kalo dia ga mau ngomong sama gue lagi, apalagi terima maaf gue. Ternyata urusan maaf-memaafkan ini ga segampang soal ujian KPIP. ***


Ouch, NO Greed!

I was making my daily iced coffee just then, when suddenly the score of my Statistics mid-term test came through my head. I got AB. With this grade, I should have thought of leaving the final test. But I keep thinking that A is of course better than AB, and I still have chance to get it. The matter is, I'm too lazy to join the final test and the fact that I should do more efforts to get an A.

While I'm considering, my coffee was almost done. Then I saw omelette on the table, and thought of eating it. I already took the omelette and ready to put it in my mouth, but accidentally I scraped the almost-done-coffee and some of the coffee powder (buy the way, it's instant coffee) fell to the floor. Ugh! What a mess!

By this accident, I realize that what I've got is just enough. Being greedy, is not good at all. ^^


My (Un)healthy Life

Sorry for being so 'silent' in months that caused by my hectic days. Now, I'm going to tell you the way to be smaller, or more slim, or thinner (only thinner sounds like the remover thing) program that I'm in. I hope this could help you as much as it would help me in the next three months ^^.

Every three days in a week, I go to the nearest gym and get an instructor to help me and to tell me what to do. It's really important to have an instructor if you're an amateur. Don't forget to do the warming up before you do the gym program, so the exercises wouldn't be a waste for your body. And also remember to do the cooling down after exercising, because you don't want to feel exhausted the next day, don't you?

Beside the gym thing, try to sleep before 00.00. When you sleep at dawn, all of your exercises don't take effect on your body. It also keeps you fresh the next day. Between the non-gym day, try to do other sports. For me, badminton works well, it's fun and cheap. To be slim, try to eat less snacks than you usually eat. No spicy food too.

The gym program makes you smaller by strengthening your muscles, and the sports helps you burn the fat on the body. The non-snacks-and-spicy-food thing helps you control yourself from consuming more than your body needs. Another important thing is living a healthy life: no smoking, eat more vegetables and fruits, drink mineral water.

But I have an exception for those who has digestive problem like constipation. You could try drinking coffee or tea or milk. For coffee and tea, don't drink more than 2 cups a day, because the caffeine would make your heart beats faster. I myself prefer coffee than tea and could drink it 2 glasses per day. Don't try this at home!


Nyalakan Hijaunya!

"Nyalakan hijaunya!" adalah kampanye gue soal penghijauan kembali (hahaha, kayak gue dah ngelakuin aja). Jadi, karena negara gue saat ini udah abu-abu akibat kekurangan pohon dan kebanyakan polusi, jadi gue berinisiatif untuk mengubah warnanya jadi ijo! Nah, itulah mengapa muncul slogan "Nyalakan hijaunya!". Menyalakan warna hijau ntuh bisa dimulai dengan nanem 1 pohon di sekitar rumah. Sekarang pun gue lagi nyari pohon yang cukup gampang dirawat tapi bisa bikin adem. Tapi karena masih belum kesampean, jadilah gue membuat desain kaos ini dulu. Beginilah itu.

This is it! Sebenernya ini jauh banget dari desain di atas kertasnya. Tapi pesennya tetep sama koq. Kenapa pohonnya warna putih, ya... karena itu tadi, karena di Indonesia sini pohon dah jarang, apalagi di kompleks rumah gue, dah ga ijo lagi keliatannya. Kenapa ada item-item di bawahnya, itu karena polusi yang dah makin marak aja di jalanan & sekitar. Jadi inget, tiap tahunnya, kosan di sebelah gue menambah sekitar 50% polusi dengan mobil-mobil milik mahasiswa baru. Bukan berarti gue ga pengen punya mobil, tapi rasanya bakal lebih enak melakukan sesuatu untuk sekitar dulu baru menyenangkan diri sendiri. Maksudnya, bakal lebih enak nanem pohon dulu, baru punya mobil di umur yang tepat, gitu.

Desain yang ini, menurut gue pribadi, masih sangat tidak memuaskan. Tapi gue masih akan terus berusaha buat merenovasinya. Baiklah! Sekian dulu. Jangan lupa nyalain ijonya! ***

Looking for Artemis Fowl series

Yap! I'm looking for other Artemis Fowl's series in Indonesia. Right now I've had 3 books, and looking for the next series. But I still can't find the 4th book, 5th book, and so on in Indonesia. Even in those foreign bookstores, I still can't find the books. One of my friends who has the books said that she got it in Malaysia. Hahaha.... So far away from here. I'm thinking of online shopping, but it sure must cost quite much. Is there anyone who wants to buy me the books? Hehehe.... 

The main characters in this series are Artemis Fowl himself and a Leprechaun whose name I forget. Artemis Fowl is a very young criminal that sure has a very brilliant brain and very capable to do his crimes, with helps from his bodyguard. He lives with his invalid mother, without knowing where his father is. He never failed to do his crimes, until the day he tried to steal the Leprechauns' golds somewhere over the rainbow, like the myths say. He met this female Leprechaun -- by the way, it's Holly, the name of the Leprechaun -- and must try really hard to get what he wants using his brilliant brain. Since then, stealing will never be as easy as before for Artemis Fowl. Holly will always be on his way. The rivalry between Fowl and Holly is always told on the pages of the books. Eoin Colfer sure knows how to blend scientific facts and fantasies and make it enjoyable. ***


Earlier Kartini's Day

Mengutip status facebook Lidwina Andarini alias Ririn hari Senin tanggal 22 Maret 2010 kemarin:
Kalian musti tau pembicaraan gw sama Levi 5 menit yang lalu xDD
Levi : "Iih, di Take Celebrity Out lagi pake kebaya semua... Kenapa ya??"
Ririn : "Mau Kartinian kali... masi jauh ya?"
Levi : "Lho, bukannya Kartinian udah lewat??"
Ririn: "?! Kartinian kan
21 April...."
Yak! Begitulah kebodohan saya, si orang Indonesia yang ga tau kapan tanggal tepatnya Kartinian. Hahaha.... ***


3B: Body Butter Bali

Temen gw baru aja pulang dari kondangan di Bali (wew, bet that it was a very lovely wedding). Dan seperti biasa, dia bawa oleh-oleh buat kami-kami yang di kosan.

Kalo gw yang baru pulang jalan-jalan, oleh-olehnya paling keripik-keripik gitu. Kalo temen di sebelah kamar gw, bawainnya paling pernak-pernik, begitu pula dengan temen gw yang anak EL.

Tapi kalo yang baru pulang dari Bali ini, emank suka rada-rada ajaib otaknya, hahaha.... Kalo dia baru pulang dari Jakarta, pasti besokannya di kulkas udah ada macaroni schotel ato tiramisu bikinan ibunya. Pokoknya jenis-jenis pasta gitu (makasih banyak, Mamanya Wulan, atas asupan gizinya yang sangat enak...). Jadi, gw kira temen gw yang namanya Wulan ini bakal bawain makanan lagi gitu dari Bali. Tapi ternyata.... Eng ing eng!! Dia membawa body butter!

Beginilah penampilan body butter tersebut. Kemarin yang ditunjukkin ada 4 varian: anggur, jeruk, kiwi, ma white musk. Nah, karena yang anggur ini lucu sekali wanginya, jadi gw ambil yang ini, hehehe.... Ini adalah oleh-oleh paling ajaib sepanjang hidup gw, hahaha.... Thanks to Melati Wulandari for the body butter!

Jadi gw sekarang mulai terinspirasi buat ngasi oleh-oleh yang tidak biasa kalo pulang jalan-jalan lagi. Hehehe.... Once again, thanks to Melati Wulandari. This time for the inspiration! ***

Sodara yang Baru Ditemukan

Saya baru saja menemukan sodara saya yang lain! Dan ternyata selama ini dia tidak jauh! Karena dia adalah....

Gw shocked banget ini pas tau. Karena, gw dan dia berbeda sekali.... Pasti ga ada yang nyangkain de kalo gw sodaraan ma dia. Tapi rada jauh juga si sodaraannya.
Sebenernya gw pengen naro fotonya di sini, tapi takutnya dibilang ngaku-ngaku, since she is so beautiful, hehehe....

Sekian dan terima kasih berita hari ini.


Ketika Pulang Lari Pagi

Ketika pulang lari pagi hari ini....
Gw mampir ke C****e K
Demi ngerecehin duit buat naik angkot
Lalu gw mampir di Pasar Simpang Dago
Demi merealisasikan ide di kepala
Buat mempercantik gaun kondangan gw
Dan demi mengantisipasi tas gw untuk rusak lebih lanjut

Tapi setelah semua hal ketika pulang lari pagi ini dilakukan
Gw dapet kabar
Kalo UTS Pengmin kemungkinan hari SABTU
Di saat gw harusnya lagi makan gratis di kawinan sodara gw
Di saat gw harusnya lagi santai di Jakarta

Sedihnya gw
karena mungkin hari Sabtu besok ga lagi jadi santai
Dan karena separo hal yang gw lakukan
Ketika pulang lari pagi ini
Mungkin akan menjadi sia-sia

(Thanks to Dosen Pengolahan Mineral saya di semester genap/ 2010 ini)



In Her Shoe: Revision

Ini adalah revisi dari desain gw sebelumnya. Karena setelah gw pikir-pikir, daripada gw menyia-nyiakan space, mendingan gw maksimalin aja, Dan setelah gw pikir lagi, akan lebih oke kalo bentuk hurufnya lain dari yang lain, hahaha.... So...here it goes the new 'in her shoe' T-Shirt!


In Her Shoe: Debut

Ini adalah debut project gw yang masih dalam proses *huhuhu*. Masih dalam tahap desain, dan gw ga tau kapan bakal bisa dirilis. Rencananya sebenernya, gw mo ngajuin desain ini ke salah satu senior gw yang mau buka clothing store, tapi saya atuuuut.... Besides, I'm no professional designer, which means, my design might be dumped. But I know, that there's no way you would get what you want, unless you fight for it. So, I'm fighting for it, in the middle of my hectic university activities (hahaha)....

In one of my friends opinion [thanks to Melati Wulandari], the design is already fine (cute, she even said). But in my point of view, the design is still too simple, yet I don't know what is missing. Still need some advices!

Why 'in her shoe'? Karena, menurut gw, cewek itu ga bisa dinilai dari penampilan luarnya aja, mesti tau kehidupannya, pemikirannya, & kepribadiannya. Jadi, untuk bisa mengenal seorang cewek, you should walk in her shoes, just like the Hollywood film starring Cameron Diaz. Then, you could objectively judge a woman, not because of her look, but because you've been her. ***

Personal DVDs Box

,This is my another handy craft: DVDs Box. It's used to put all of my DVDs that I've bought while I'm in Bandung. I made it right after I bought the Spiderman wrapping paper in Pasar Baru, Jakarta. The materials are easy to be found, and absolutely cheap. It's only made of used duplex and wrapping paper. The size is 18x17 cm (either way would be OK) and the thickness is 8 cm. It could contain about 40-45 DVDs in plastics, and less for black-casing DVDs.

I think duplex is not so strong, so I put the box on the flat area. I wish I could hang it on the wall, but I'm not sure that the owner of the house I stay in would allow me to nail the wall, hehehe. For better result, I think pasteboard would do better than duplex, since it's thicker and stronger.

So, that's all about my DVDs box. Hope you're inspired! ***


The True Passion

Apa ya? Gw kali ini ga akan membahas hasta karya atau penemuan apapun. I just simply want to define my life. Dari dulu sampe sekarang, gw ga pernah beneran tau sebenernya ke mana tujuan idup gw. Ga tau sebenernya mau jadi apa buat cari nafkah nantinya, walaupun gw tau nafkah itu bisa dicari dengan segala cara. Karena gw ga bener-bener tau gw mau ngapain, gw akhirnya ambil aja semua ilmu & kesempatan yang disodorin ke gw, kaya di Yes Man, hehehe.... Ya ga jelek-jelek amat juga si jadi Yes Man, gw jadi punya banyak pengalaman & wawasan hidup.

Waktu masih kecil, gw dilesin main organ. Ceritanya karena opa gw punya darah musisi, jadi nyokap gw berasumsi kalo gw punya bakat juga, hahaha.... Bakat si ternyata ga gw punya, tapi yang gw pelajarin dah cukup bikin gw suka banget sama musik. Sampe-sampe waktu SMA, gw sempet kepikiran buat jadi musisi. Tapi setelah menilik temen-temen gw yang main musiknya lebih oke, gw jadi ngerasa cupu banget, jadi membuang opsi 'musisi' jauh-jauh.

Tapi dari sebelum dilesin organ, gw dah keburu kepincut sama komputer & kawan-kawan softwarenya. Untung sekolah gw waktu SD dulu memfasilitasi dengan pelajaran komputer, jadi gw pergunakan sebaik mungkin pelatihan-pelatihan software-software aneh jaman dulu, kaya Fine Artist ato Print Shop Deluxe. Dan ternyata gw ga mengecewakan di bidang ini, hehehe.... Sampe-sampe gw sering diikutin lomba-lomba komputer gitu, & selalu lolos ke babak selanjutnya, walaupun ga pernah ngelanjutin karena tempat lombanya jauh banget sama rumah gw, & keluarga gw belum punya mobil & waktu buat nganterin gw jauh-jauh.

Dari satu-satunya bakat yang gw punya itu, gw selalu pengen jadi programmer, dari sejak gw belum kenal bahasa Pascal dkk itu. Apalagi pas gw mulai dikenalin HTML waktu SMP, wew, makin semangat lha gw.

Terus waktu SMA, baru mulai utak-atik photoshop sama ms publisher. Dan ternyata, gw cukup menyenangkan hati banyak orang juga di sini. Gw sampe dipercayakan jadi pemred buletin bulanan komisi remaja gereja gw buat setahun, & turun karena kuliah. Dari sini, gw pengen jadi graphic designer, yang masih gw pegang sampe sekarang, bareng sama cita-cita gw jadi programmer.

Tapi ternyata, gw ditakdirkan buat kuliah di Indonesia, di jurusan yang sama sekali ga pernah gw bayangin sebelumnya: Teknik Metalurgi. Di kampus gw -- bahkan di Indonesia sendiri -- jurusan ini ga populer. Bahkan, orang yang sekampus sama gw tapi beda jurusan, masih ada yang nanya Metalurgi belajarnya apaan. Jadi, sekedar info, Metalurgi yang sekarang gw geluti adalah ilmu tentang logam, dari eksplorasi, sampe pengolahannya sampe jadi produk tertentu. Walaupun ga populer, tapi gw tau jurusan ini udah yang paling cocok sama gue, dari segi ilmunya, orang-orangnya, masa depannya, pokoke cerah ceria de, jadi gw ngejalaninnya juga seneng aja, namanya belajar ilmu baru. Dulu waktu masih di fakultas, gw sempet kejebak stereotip. Jadi, jurusan paling populer di fakultas gw waktu itu adalah Teknik Perminyakan (TM). SEMUA orang (termasuk gw) bersaing cuma biar masuk TM & bisa nyombongin diri. Tapi mulai akhir semester I, gw mulai mikir kalo populer ga populernya jurusan yang lo gelutin tu ga mempengaruhi masa depan lo. Se-oke apapun jurusannya, tapi kalo kitanya ga oke, ya akan berbuah juga. Jadi, karena salah satu hobi favorit gw adalah mencoba hal-hal baru, gw memutuskan untuk masuk Teknik Metalurgi. Sampe sekarang gw masih mensyukuri masuk Metalurgi.

Nah, waktu gw diputuskan masuk Fakultas Teknik Pertambangan dan Perminyakan pertama kali banget, gw pikir gw dah jauh banget sama cita-cita awal gw, gw pikir gw bakal banting setir ninggalin semua yang udah gw kenal. Tapi ternyata, dari pengenalan fakultas, sampe akhirnya pengenalan jurusan, & mulai menjalani sendiri, ternyata cita-cita gw jadi programmer masih bisa kesampaian, karena di jurusan gw sendiri pun, ada banyak program yang dipake & yang masih dibutuhkan metallurgists. Pelajaran gw sendiri masih mencakup bahasa pemrograman. Ditambah lagi sama support salah seorang dosen gw, buat bisa bersaing juga ma metallurgists lain & supaya bisa ngebangun bangsa jadi mandiri, ga tergantung sama bantuan asing.

Kesimpulannya, sejauh apapun takdir (sepertinya) ngejauhin lo dari cita-cita lo, selalu ada cara buat mewujudkannya asal lo mulai buka pikiran dan aware sama lingkungan & posisi lo.


Recycled Attention Board

Ini adalah hasta karya gue yang bisa menempel di dinding: attention board. Isinya adalah semua informasi yang perlu gw inget (sepanjang hayat kalo perlu), ato benda-benda yang bakal sering gw pake. Or else, just some things that might look good on the board, hehehe... Attention board-nya ntuh adalah yang warna pink2 di belakang sana. Itu gue buat pake duplex bekas INKM '08 jaman dahulu kala. Terus dibungkus pake kertas kado lucu koleksi gue yang gue beli dengan harga Rp 1500 saja di toko-toko macem 'Stroberi' gitu. Lalu kertas kadonya gue sampul pake sisa sampul buku gw. Si sampul buku ini fungsinya untuk mencegah bekas tempelan info yang udah basi.

Di bagian kiri ada kain buat naro pin-pin ato bros. Kainnya berasal dari bekas rok gue yang udah ilang. Jadi, walaupun rok gue ga ketemu sampe sekarang, gue cukup bersyukur bisa menemukan sabuk kainnya n menggunakannya dengan bijak. Hehehe.... Pin-pinnya adalah koleksi gue. Ada yang beli sendiri, lebih banyak lagi yang gratisan, hehehe.... Karena mereka lucu, menurut gue sayang aja kalo dikoleksi di dalem boks, jadilah gue pajang mereka.

Bagian atas adalah tempat gue menempelkan segala macam atribut wajib perkuliahan gue jaman TPB ato atribut kepanitiaan yang pernah gue ikutin. Ada name tag lab Fisika Dasar, ada pula badge PROKM '09. Selain itu, gue pajang pula origami kesukaan gue: burung bangau! Satu-satunya binatang yang paling jago gue bikin! Hehehe....

Kemudian gue akan memperkenalkan Yotsuba&! di bagian kanan attention board gue. Siapa atau apakah Yotsuba&!? Dia atau 'itu' adalah (tokoh) komik kesukaan gue hingga saat ini. Ceritanya, Yotsuba masih 5 taun n polos abis. Masih sangat tidak mengenal dunianya . Jadi kawands, saya sarankan kalian semua membacanya untuk mulai memandang hal-hal simpel di dunia ini dari kacamata anak umur 5 taun, n rasakan bedanya! Potongan komik ini bukan sengaja gue print demi hasta karya gw, tentu tidak. Jadi ceritanya gue emank demen nge-print komik ini. Nah, saat nge-print, terjadilah beberapa kesalahan. Yang salah-salah ntuh ga pernah gue buang (untungnya), karena gue tau bisa gue pake di kemudian hari. Jadilah salah duanya gue pake di sini. Selain buat promosi, juga bisa buat refreshing, hehehe....

Di bagian tengahnya tentu saja info-info penting yang tidak boleh gue lupakan. Pertamanya gue pake double-tape busa, tapi setelah masa percobaan beberapa hari, double-tapenya ga nempel lagi. Jadi, gw mencari alternatif lain, yaitu dengan menggunakan penjepit kertas plastik. Yak! Dan ternyata emank lebih efektif dan murah.

Sekian tentang attention board di kamar kos saya. Sekian dan terima kasih. ***


Places in Jakarta, Besides Malls

For those who call themselves as 'Anak Gaul Jakarta' but only visit malls, you might drop the title now. Jakarta isn't always about malls and pollution, it is also about culture and unique places.

1. Taman Menteng

This is my favorite place since it's the first public garden that I visit when I still had a course someplace in Menteng. It's not a big public garden and the plants were very limited that time, I don't know how it looks like right now. In this photo is the view you'll see from above (from the parking lot). Beside plants, there are also buildings that are made of glasses and uniquely triangular. I still don't know what are they used for, but they're pretty big buildings. Go there and feel the fresh air! There are also restaurants and cafes around if you fell hungry or thirsty. You may find Taman Menteng in Central Jakarta.

2. Taman Ismail Marzuki

This place is also located in Central Jakarta, specifically in Jl. Cikini. I went here when my sister was doing ballet, performing 'Mulan'. Taman Ismail Marzuki (TIM) is a place where people show or perform their work, such as play, pictures, dance, etc., also known as the Jakarta cultural center. There was a restaurant that had specialties in Western food (steak, pasta, and so on). But I don't know whether it's still there or had been gone. There is also cinema where you can watch either Indonesian or Hollywood Box Office movies.

3. Goethe Institut

This was the place where I took my German course. It's the only place in Jakarta that release Zertifikat Deutsch, a document that you need to prove that you're able to speak German, like TOEFL or IELTS. Beside learning German, you also can learn about the culture of German, though you aren't its student, because Goethe Institut is the German cultural center in Jakarta. Goethe Institut has many events in a week: concerts, plays, exhibitions (paintings or photos), film festivals, and many more. You can know what's showing by looking at the posters in front of the building.

4. Taman Jogging Summarecon Kelapa Gading

This park is located near my house. It's also near the Mal Kelapa Gading and La Piazza. I haven't been here, so I can't say much. But based on my friend, it is a nice place to jog every morning. Another fresh air to your lung. ***


Metallurgical Bulletin

This is the first bulletin for IMMG (Ikatan Mahasiswa Metalurgi) that I made. I only worked for the graphic, while the articles were provided by my division head. This is the official cover that I made, though it would be printed b/w. 'Blast' is colored in gold because gold is pure metal, which is related to my major. The font of 'Blast' telling us that IMMG should move fast in this globalization race. Above the 'Blast' is the logo of IMMG and ITB (Institut Teknologi Bandung). On the top right side is the date when the bulletin is published.
That's all for the bulletin. Hopefully it could get better and better.

Thanks to Future Corruptors

At my university, intelligence is measured from the scores you got. Unfortunately, I live in Indonesia where numerous corruptors are living and immune from the law. So, I was 'this' close from the high score, then everyone at the test day were cheating, and made me get the worst score ever in my life. And there was no punishment for them. Thanks to all cheaters a.k.a. the future corruptors for messing my life up.


This blog is dedicated to those who loves to read anybody's blog. Thanks to you, blog-walkers....