

Ah, apa coba yang udah gue lakuin sampe sekarang? Cuma ningkatin nilai, memperbaiki penampilan, terus nambah pengalaman bersosialisasi di himpunan. Tapi gue ga mengurangi jumlah musuh gue. Sampe saat ini, seenggaknya gue tau masih ada satu orang yang benci berat sama gue (ga menutup kemungkinan kalau masih ada lagi). Dan sampe sekarang, gue belum minta maaf sama dia.

Pertamanya, gue ga minta maaf karena gue pikir gue ga salah. Tapi setelah berhari-hari kemudian, diliat dari sudut pandang orang itu, emang gue salah. Ah, tapi gue terlalu takut buat minta maaf, karena gue juga tau banget kalo dia ga mau ngomong sama gue lagi, apalagi terima maaf gue. Ternyata urusan maaf-memaafkan ini ga segampang soal ujian KPIP. ***


Ouch, NO Greed!

I was making my daily iced coffee just then, when suddenly the score of my Statistics mid-term test came through my head. I got AB. With this grade, I should have thought of leaving the final test. But I keep thinking that A is of course better than AB, and I still have chance to get it. The matter is, I'm too lazy to join the final test and the fact that I should do more efforts to get an A.

While I'm considering, my coffee was almost done. Then I saw omelette on the table, and thought of eating it. I already took the omelette and ready to put it in my mouth, but accidentally I scraped the almost-done-coffee and some of the coffee powder (buy the way, it's instant coffee) fell to the floor. Ugh! What a mess!

By this accident, I realize that what I've got is just enough. Being greedy, is not good at all. ^^