
In Her Shoe: Debut

Ini adalah debut project gw yang masih dalam proses *huhuhu*. Masih dalam tahap desain, dan gw ga tau kapan bakal bisa dirilis. Rencananya sebenernya, gw mo ngajuin desain ini ke salah satu senior gw yang mau buka clothing store, tapi saya atuuuut.... Besides, I'm no professional designer, which means, my design might be dumped. But I know, that there's no way you would get what you want, unless you fight for it. So, I'm fighting for it, in the middle of my hectic university activities (hahaha)....

In one of my friends opinion [thanks to Melati Wulandari], the design is already fine (cute, she even said). But in my point of view, the design is still too simple, yet I don't know what is missing. Still need some advices!

Why 'in her shoe'? Karena, menurut gw, cewek itu ga bisa dinilai dari penampilan luarnya aja, mesti tau kehidupannya, pemikirannya, & kepribadiannya. Jadi, untuk bisa mengenal seorang cewek, you should walk in her shoes, just like the Hollywood film starring Cameron Diaz. Then, you could objectively judge a woman, not because of her look, but because you've been her. ***

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